The Highmoor AGM was held on Wednesday, December 8th, and thanks to those attended at the clubhouse or by zoom. On Tuesday the 7th, Jeff Mayes’ funeral was held at Studley Park and the club was very well represented. A big thanks to Maurice Pattison and Geoff Robinson who spoke so well at the service in praise of Jeff.
At the AGM, we confirmed the management committee members for the next 12 months. The good news is that all members of the current committee are continuing and we also welcome Darrin Hunt and Kyle Malligan to the committee. Darrin is a regular Tuesday social player and Kyle plays in one of the Senior competition teams.
The other committee members are:
- Dale Collins – Treasurer and Secretary,
- Sarah Graham – Membership
- Damian Graf – Coaching and Junior Coordinator
- Glenn Collins – Senior Teams
- Jennie Armstrong – Ladies Social
- Janet Wardlaw – Member Protection Officer
- Paul Luke – Facilities
Further, Jason Mahmoud and Janet Wardlaw are Senior Team selectors and Alan Kempton is the club auditor.
I will be taking on the role as President after Jeff’s passing and with the support of such a great committee we hope to maintain and grow the club. If you have any queries or thoughts on improvements to the club please me know via email at or on 0424 797 420.
Membership Renewals
Sarah has sent out all renewals for the 2021/22 membership year. The membership fee has been discounted by 50% to allow for the time in lockdown for renewing members. If you haven’t yet renewed could you please do so. Any queries please contact Sarah by email at or by phone on 0408 033 322.
Regards, Bernie McInerney