Highmoor Shirts

All shirt orders are to be sent to Kylie Morgan by Wednesday 11th May, via email at:

Once we have the numbers we will confirm the price, expected to be $30.
The Highmoor shirts will be navy blue polos with the Highmoor logo on the upper left hand side.
Kylie has taken the shirt samples back to the the supplier, however, just think of the school shirt sizes for juniors. You can double check at the House of Uniform website.
Apologies if you tried to call Kylie, I wrote the number down incorrectly in the last email. Her number is 0430 714 257. She would prefer if you could email your order to her.

Defibrillator training

Defibrillator training is on Saturday 14th May at noon at Highmoor. Please make an effort to attend.

Laurene Rofe has arranged a external training provider to take us through this important training.

The new defibrillator is a different model to the previous one we had in the club.

Please continue to support our sponsors of the defibrillator, Terry White Chemmart Cheltenham, who were very generous towards our club.


Junior and Senior teams are back in competition and doing well. 

A special thanks to Wayne and Martin for helping out on Saturday morning so we could get the junior matches on court. All five courts had large puddles and we had all three of the rollers out to the get the games on.